Bookmarks catchup/cleanup

It’s been much, much too long since I’ve cleaned up my bookmarks “other” folder; A simple dump is all that I can bother with at this size.

Been a long time since I’ve cleaned out my bookmarks folder…

It used to work easily; I would create a bunch of blank lines, and drag the bookmarks from my chrome “Other bookmarks” folder to a new blank line in a wordpress post. Now, however, that just gives me the URL as text, without the bookmarks’ name.

Now, I have to export my bookmarks to a file, copy/paste the contents of the “Other bookmarks” DL tag, do a global search & replace from “<DT>” to “</li><li>”, then wrap it all in a UL tag. Copy and paste all that into the “text” version of a wordpress post, and voila! The same thing I used to have, now taking a lot more work.

Don’t know if I need to yell at chrome or at wordpress…

Bookmark catchup

So every month or so, I try to dump all the bookmarks I made, especially for things I didn’t have time to comment on at the moment of discovery…

Happy new everything…

You know, as much attention as the recreational pot in Colorado story is getting, you would think it was mandatory, and that by this time tomorrow, the only other surviving industry in the state will be pizza delivery.

It’s been much too long since I’ve cleaned out my bookmarks folder: here is the result:

Bookmarks 20130701

Clearing out the “Other” bookmark folder…

Wow, I’ve been too busy to surf much this past month…

Catchup blogging lite

It’s been an insanely busy month; I’ve not bookmarked much this time. Hell, I might even be able to categorize them for you this time around…

G bought a rocket, and with the rains we’ve had recently, we MIGHT be able to use it soon:

And since we’re going to a wedding in Houston next weekend…

I’ve made it through the 4th season, and am giving it a second go…

And to riff on that; “There’s always sysadmin bookmarks in J’s catchup blogging…”

And just a few more things:

Texas parents of students taking STAAR tests, you can track the entire history of their scores here (and I learned G’s science score before it arrived int he mail!):

A game recommented by a new work colleague, probably friend…

And G want to cook up some flan:

Remarkably few bookmarks, now with annotations! Hope you enjoy…

Catchup blogging 201305

It’s been a while, but here’s the core dump of things I bookmarked over the past several months. There’s bound to be something in here to grab somebody’s interest; I just don’t have time to comment on everything all the time.

Catchup blogging 201209

Here are the things I bookmarked over the past month, but either didn’t or couldn’t comment further upon at the time.

Monthly bookmark dump

Here are things I bookmarked in the past month. I particularly like the “teach your child to argue” one…

Unsorted bookmarks 2011-12-03

It’s been quite a while, so it’s quite a list of links…

Catchup blogging…

These are all things that are either too specific or too small to deserve a post of their own.

Another month of catchup blogging:

Nearing the end of the month, unsorted bookmarks

I’ve now started using the firefox “Unsorted bookmarks” folder; if anyone knows how to make the ^d keyboard shortcut default to that folder, I would love to know!