Want to celebrate “Quit Facebook Day” without quitting facebook?

As I just saw:

Viral clickjacking ‘Like’ worm hits Facebook users | Graham Cluley’s blog

And recently:

Facebook sez, “Don’t mind us, we’re just whoring out your photos”

Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook – Facebook – Gizmodo

Some quitting Facebook as privacy concerns escalate – CNN.com

Well, These New Zuckerberg IMs Won’t Help Facebook’s Privacy Problems

Facebook Privacy: Secrets Unveiled – PCWorld

ReclaimPrivacy.org | Facebook Privacy Scanner

A sneak peek at Facebook’s dra…

It’s Quit Facebook Day, Are You Leaving? – PC World

How to Return Facebook’s Privacy Settings to What You Signed Up For [Privacy]

Not that it’s much better, but I’m tied into Google pretty well, even using reader to aggregate all my RSS feeds. You can use that, or any other RSS aggregator you choose — just follow the guide that jwz provided many, many months ago. You’re halfway there, as now you can read all your friend’s updates without ever logging in to facebook directly.

Best bonus so far?  You’ll never, ever see another app update (think farmville, mafia wars, fishville, voleville, crapopolis…)

Now, you know that twitter account you signed up for but never use?  Tie that in to facebook.  There are many ways to do this. Myself, I’m using my wordpress blog as the base of everything, with the “Twitter Tools” plugin syncing my blog with my twitter account, and twitter pointing everything on to everything else. My photo uploads to picasa point to friendfeed (which is still actually facebook, but I’m logging out of that one as well…)

Before you log out for what may very well be the last time, you’ll want to fix your privacy settings as strictly as possible. Salt to taste how much email facebook will send you alerting you to comments people make to your posts (though you will not be able to obviously “like” or comment on their posts within facebook itself).

Since I’m doing this myself, I’m going to log in one last time, pointing people to this post.

Be sure you log out; otherwise you’ll still see that cnn (among many other sites) still tell facebook about your visits.