So, what have I been up to?
I took the spambait on, and instead of learning each one as it comes in, I now batch them up, and learn the batches once per minute. I also snag everything that imap users put into their imap spam folder, and add that to the learning batch. I keep the non-spambait stuff, and learn from the latest 30 of those each minute.
Did you know that is getting about one spam each second?
It’s amazing how much I can get done if I stop doing work-work for a day.
I also caught up on a lot of blogging. I’ve been using foxmarks to have one set of bookmarks across every system, and I created a folder called “2blog”. Anything I come across that I want to blog about, I add to that folder. I cleared about half of it out yesterday. The really fun thing is that I can do that from anywhere, now!
We finally got a new dryer. We’ve gone gas, this time. It used to take 2 hours to do a load of towels — more recently, because I had to stop and untangle everything after the last baffle came out completely — but now it takes barely longer than the washer. I’m now thinking that I may want to reverse my standard method of doing laundry, and switch from starting with the whites (since I always ended up waiting on the dryer) to starting with the things done in cold water.
Bleh. I’m blogging about laundry. Time to go back to the 2blog folder, eh? Here we go…