I could stand a little more pomp, but under no circumstances do I want any more circumstance.
Congrats to Lucy on the gradua…
Congrats to Lucy on the graduation! (We should have brought in our vuvuzela…)
I have quoted the movie “Vacat…
I have quoted the movie “Vacation” twice already today. Stop me before the moose out front should have told you so.
Last day of 3rd grade today; w…
Last day of 3rd grade today; with parties and teacher gifts, it was a 4-loaf-night for bread last night. Up late, up early, long day ahead.
Too funny! I cannot hear enoug…
Too funny! I cannot hear enought about Santorum’s “Google problem”… http://t.co/j3s0z8K
Whew! 3rd grade field day DONE…
Whew! 3rd grade field day DONE! Now, for student-led conference!
As always, the rules are: no h…
As always, the rules are: no having fun, and no getting wet… http://t.co/ItRvilb
I just had a vision of healthy…
I just had a vision of healthy food bombs, with asparagus for a fuse.
Got no sleep last night. The n…
Got no sleep last night. The neighbors were up all night blaring Cage’s “4:33”, over and over. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4:33
OMFG, the epicenter of driving…
OMFG, the epicenter of driving stupidity is all up and down 2222 today.
Again, twitter makes me love s…
Again, twitter makes me love strangers: This is SO Takei. http://t.co/j3s0z8K
Now THOSE are some pretty clou…
Now THOSE are some pretty clouds! http://t.co/Dy31vg9
If you don’t know what H2G2 is…
If you don’t know what H2G2 is, then you don’t care that tomorrow is towel day…
Can’t wait to take G to see th…
Can’t wait to take G to see the hungover panda 2!
If you can’t think up your own…
If you can’t think up your own rapture joke, don’t worry. It’s not the end of the world.