loves 78 degrees — except that it seems to melt the brains of central Texas drivers. I’m looking at you, Cedar Park…
Had the top down while driving…
Had the top down while driving to UPS to pick up a hard drive.
I shall never live more than a mile further from the equator than I do now.
8 years in, and G patrol is st…
8 years in, and G patrol is still the highlight of my life. I love being a daddy!
Would you have spotted this, o…
Would you have spotted this, or would you have given the thieves your ATM card info & PIN without suspecting a thing?
Got a par on 12 today. Nobody …
Got a par on 12 today. Nobody is more surprised than I.
catarang (n) 1. A cat who, whe…
catarang (n) 1. A cat who, when physically moved to the foot of the bed, immediately resumes the previous annoying position.
has a new to-do list: 1) take…
has a new to-do list:
1) take names
2) kick a
is officially at zero-G for th…
is officially at zero-G for the weekend.
If you want to keep your check…
If you want to keep your checked valuables from being stolen while you fly, just keep a gun in your suitcase.
Anybody want this? (aside from…
Anybody want this? (aside from Jay?) <>
is trying to imagine a life so…
is trying to imagine a life so consumed with vitriol and hate that I could end up shilling hate as love like Robertson. Nope. Can’t do it.
Using Fibonacci Numbers to Con…
Using Fibonacci Numbers to Convert from Miles to Kilometers and Vice Versa
If you get an email with the s…
If you get an email with the subject “Susan Boyle naked” do not open it. It’s not a virus — it has pics of Susan Boyle naked. #fb
is really, really ready for sp…
is really, really ready for spring.
theydotcom on After 20 years, …
theydotcom on After 20 years, what is your favorite Simpsons moment or episode?