On seventeen just got my first par on a par five
Enjoying the end of a fantasti…
Enjoying the end of a fantastic day…
Here’s hoping everyone had a f…
Here’s hoping everyone had a fun vernal equinox…
Now safety guy is back in… …
Now safety guy is back in… Off to dinner.
shoving tasty mysql goodness i…
shoving tasty mysql goodness into snmp. Mmmmmmm.
In my world, it is obvious why…
In my world, it is obvious why I miss my daughter when she is away. Absence does make the heart grow fonder, so I treasure when she is near
Taking G swimming again
Taking G swimming again
Getting ready to turn nagios p…
Getting ready to turn nagios paging on for monitoring…
Creating SNMP goodness
Creating SNMP goodness
Missing G.
Missing G.
Ripping the video from Cy and …
Ripping the video from Cy and Arsenne’s performance last night.
Starting G patrol shortly…
Starting G patrol shortly…
Expecting G to fall asleep qui…
Expecting G to fall asleep quickly between the late hour and the exhaustion. Even I might sleep through the night!
Getting G ready for the first …
Getting G ready for the first swim of spring break. Heated pool, thankyouverymuch!
I really, really hate snoring….
I really, really hate snoring. Much more than usual, right now. Much, much more.