If I had a nickel for every way in which I am sore, I wouldn’t be able to move.
Ahhh! And yes, G has done the …
Ahhh! And yes, G has done the slide many times already… http://t.co/MsRWC3fe
How am I to do any editing wit…
How am I to do any editing with such cute and playful kittens about?
G’s last (half) day of 4th gra…
G’s last (half) day of 4th grade, with water balloons & super soaker. Would say “no super soakers when I was…” but didn’t go full fogey.
Happy whatjamacallit day!
Happy whatjamacallit day!
My life would be so much bette…
My life would be so much better if I had full control of Grover Norquist’s shock collar.
It’s a good day when your urologist is mentioned on the radio, right?
NPR: 05-05-2012 Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!.
(Yes, because of the kidney stones.)
G is hilarious. If you don’t g…
G is hilarious. If you don’t get to hang out with her often, you are really missing out.
For some unknown reason, a nic…
For some unknown reason, a nice afternoon at the pool has suddenly turned into a cross between Children of the Corn and Lord of the Flies.
“But it’s for a part!” — fath…
“But it’s for a part!” — father of the year teaching our daughter “The Aristocrats” joke. http://t.co/lddGOQiU
Swim team time trials + member…
Swim team time trials + member guest + prime rib = busy night @ rpcc… http://t.co/Ta8LzUT4
Oh, is it star wars day again …
Oh, is it star wars day again already? (Yes, May the 4th…)
And so, swim team starts with …
And so, swim team starts with a splash. And a modicum of complaining… http://t.co/UY3VLs5L
Cul-de-sac street hockey. Star…
Cul-de-sac street hockey. Starr test=no homework! http://t.co/oKxZ9E7l
Whiled away a delightful, if s…
Whiled away a delightful, if sweaty afternoon holding G up as she learned to ripstick. She will sleep well tonight,me 2 http://t.co/0iHoXo7K