In a nautical sense, Davey Jones is now in his own locker.
If you should never grocery sh…
If you should never grocery shop while hungry, should you never go to the liquor store sober?
I have my doubts about the pow…
I have my doubts about the power of skepticism.
At the Father-(father-)daughte…
At the Father-(father-)daughter dance.
So, is the creator of linux mo…
So, is the creator of linux more like batman, or more like the penguin? (Hint: he is a nice guy!)
This much rain in central Texa…
This much rain in central Texas during the drought? Dare I say that this is a wet dream?
“That would be a great name fo…
“That would be a great name for a band” would be a great name for a band.
Between the 10-year-old and tw…
Between the 10-year-old and two playful kittens, my life is now lived on the verge of cuteness overload. The bird-on-a-stick doesn’t help…
Marshall McLuhan interview on …
Marshall McLuhan interview on media immediacy, fascinating…
Just whiled away 2 enjoyable h…
Just whiled away 2 enjoyable hours w/G @ the Blanton Museum. Now with kids sketch kits!
How long until you can buy you…
How long until you can buy your way into the flow?
Another lovely 9. Gotta love w…
Another lovely 9. Gotta love winter in Texas!
G just gave kittens milk from …
G just gave kittens milk from an old baby bottle she found. Claws came out when the bottle went away…
Not that I tweet much, but #tw…
Not that I tweet much, but #twitterblackout for tomorrow.
And yes, it matters.
Just finnished a horrible but …
Just finnished a horrible but fun 9. Yay for no snow!