xkcd redesign: geocities commemorative edition http://ff.im/-awPMT
Catchup blogging…
These are all things that are either too specific or too small to deserve a post of their own.
- Urban Dictionary: crumping
- Overheard in New York | Dakota Learns How to Get Some Breathing Room
- texts from last night
- texts from last night
- Hiroshima, 64 years ago – The Big Picture – Boston.com
- If Sarcasm Ruled the World | Cracked.com
- Top Tech Rollercoasters – PC World
- Forget Red vs. Blue — It’s the Educated vs. People Easily Fooled by Propaganda | | AlterNet
- Total Cost of Ownership: myTouch 3G versus iPhone 3GS versus Palm Pre
- 15 Great Tips For Ubuntu Power Users
- 3qiYJ.png (PNG Image, 434×432 pixels)
- Chain Sudoku: A new twist on the world’s most popular puzzle
- Mastering CSS, Part 2: Advanced Techniques and Tools | CSS | Smashing Magazine
- What is the best best quote you know? : AskReddit
- Give your boss the illusion of managing you… with pidgin and dbus « Random Rants of a n00b
- Thomas Pynchon Wiki – A Literary / Literature Wiki
- Hell Yeah, Hubble! : Starts With A Bang
- Buy n Large Disclaimer
- xkcd – A Webcomic – Superlative
- Cowbirds in Love: a daily comic by Sanjay Kulkarni
- How Netflix gets your movies to your mailbox so fast — chicagotribune.com
- 12 add-ons every Firefox user must have | News | TechRadar UK
- harsh, but helpful?
- texts from last night
- The 6 Best British Comedies You May Not Have Seen… « Beck’s Beer – The global official website
- Quick and strong file-encryption with OpenSSL – Lars Strand
- Ubuntu – Some Repositories You Should Know About ~ Web Upd8
- How to Enable Facebook Chat for Pidgin in Ubuntu | Ubuntu Geek
- Download Pidgin for Ubuntu
- pdfpirate.net – free, online and no limits pdf restriction remover
- The Psychology of the Right-Wing’s Anti-Government ‘Death-Panel’ Delusions | | AlterNet
- 4 Cool Firefox Tools That Are Not Addons
- 10 Solid Tips to Safeguard Your Facebook Privacy
- ME TALK PRESIDENTIAL ONE DAY: GQ Features on men.style.com
- 45+ Cool Google Android Apps – The Perfect iPhone Replacement : Speckyboy Design Magazine
- 10 Lessons for Tea Baggers | Crooks and Liars
- Ekin Ertaç – Free Complete WordPress Cheat Sheet
- Integrate and Extend with the Google Apps Administrative APIs – Google Apps APIs – Google Code
- 20 Powerful WordPress Security Plugins and Tips & Tricks
- Importing Facebook Phonebook Into Gmail Contacts
- How to sync Palm Treo (PalmOS) contacts with the G1 – Google Applications – T-Mobile Forums
- PdaNet — Use your Android as a USB Modem
- slightlywarped.com’s Curiosities
- Arensus Crossword Player Readme | Oxonom – Android Developer
- Drought restrictions
- 95 websites you should totally bookmark today | News | TechRadar UK
- Installing the Android 1.6 SDK | Android Developers
- android-scripting – Project Hosting on Google Code
- Trendsmap – Real-time local Twitter trends
- Please be patient – This Page is Under Construction!
- Stephen P. Tarzia’s webpage (sonar presence detection for linux and windows)
- 45 Homemade Foods You Can Make Yourself (But Never Thought You Could) : Planet Green
- Cooking For Engineers – Step by Step Recipes and Food for the Analytically Minded
- 50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About | Maximum PC
- The Food Lab: Perfect Boiled Eggs | Serious Eats
G + google sky map + lovely la…
G + google sky map + lovely lazy lake weekend = fantastic. I love being a daddy!
saw plenty of shooting stars l…
saw plenty of shooting stars last night.
Nation’s Morons March On Washi…
Nation’s Morons March On Washington State [the Onion] http://ff.im/-af5s3
The headline reads “Which cand…
The headline reads “Which candidate will raise taxes in Virginia?” Duh. The one that wins the election.
is convinced that tamiflu is m…
is convinced that tamiflu is made from happy fun ball.
TSA agents take woman’s infant…
TSA agents take woman’s infant son out of her sight to search him, threaten her when she complains, then refuse to… http://ff.im/-9Z1mq
Woman tries to go through meta…
Woman tries to go through metal detector at Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson aiport with her infant son, only to have his… http://ff.im/-9Z1mj
Volunteer math games with G’s …
Volunteer math games with G’s second grade class — always a highlight of my week, and now I have behavior leverage! Excellent day today…
His name is Robert Paulson.
His name is Robert Paulson.
is most emphatically NOT enjoy…
is most emphatically NOT enjoying the start of backhoe season.
If it wasn’t early in the morn…
If it wasn’t early in the morning, it wouldn’t be funny. <http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article6876226.ece>
While I’m still loading data o…
While I’m still loading data onto a freshly-rebuilt mysql server, G has already done tonight’s and tomorrow’s homework by herself. Yay!
Monty Python can almost soothe…
Monty Python can almost soothe the day from hell.