just had this conversational snippet:
G: You are being pedantic-er.
Me: That’s MORE pedantic, sweetie.
grep my life
Pop culture (current TV, film, ads, music)
just had this conversational snippet:
G: You are being pedantic-er.
Me: That’s MORE pedantic, sweetie.
Clive Thompson on the New Literacy http://ff.im/-7iNnd
Bill O’Reilly: A Far-left website known as “4chan” is providing child pornography to internet pedophiles http://ff.im/-7h1zq
Afterbirthers Demand To See Obama’s Placenta http://ff.im/-7h0F4
also knows the preacher likes it cold. Our leaves are brown for a different reason, however.
is watching a bluebird building a nest in the tree outside the window, not 6 feet away from my desk.
Diagram for the ultimate PB&J http://ff.im/-7bBLR
Ted Kennedy Dies of Brain Cancer at Age 77 http://ff.im/-7aoss
How in the hell did anyone ever get bootable CDs right before virtualization.
10 Things We Hate About Wireless Carriers http://ff.im/-75tzn
Missing G terribly. Trying to fill the gap by building a custom gentoo installation CD. It’s almost working. The CD is almost working, too.
Is thinking REALLY hard about the sailboat.
Kids In The Hall Return For 8 Part TV Series http://ff.im/-724tZ
Yes, all my math geek friends. http://ff.im/-70yZA
For all my math geek friends… http://ff.im/-70xu1