Bellagio after a productive day
If we go to Iowa to get marrie…
If we go to Iowa to get married, the honeymoon should be a trip from Laurens to Mount Zion, WI. by tractor. Gay wedding. Straight honeymoon.
It is good to be appreciated a…
It is good to be appreciated at work.
What exactly is the difference…
What exactly is the difference between isolated thunderstorms and scattered thunderstorms?
I thought so…
A gay wedding, but a straight honeymoon.
So, the floodgates will soon open in Iowa. (You had your chance, Fargo…)
We have an Albertson family reunion in Iowa. We get married while we’re there. Check Cy’s input off the list.
For the honeymoon, we re-enact “The Straight Story.” My sensibilities will be sated.
Oh, no tractor, no deer (except perhaps as meat). In honor of keeping the pace, we stop whenever G wants to. Maybe she gets to remember when she first stopped fearing thunder. No, not the cat.
The rest of my life should be …
The rest of my life should be lived by “WWTWD?” What would Tinkie-Winkie do?
G was giggly this morning. Ma…
G was giggly this morning. Makes it hard to not keep going past the school…
Bracing G to get out the door …
Bracing G to get out the door on time
Back at home, sore inside and …
Back at home, sore inside and out. What happened to Thunder? His skitteshness quotient has gone non-linear…
Comforting G from a bad dream …
Comforting G from a bad dream about a wolf…It was orange with black stripes. It did not like blueberries.
Kids are fed and watching a mo…
Kids are fed and watching a movie while leaning all over each other with either second wind or full collapse imminent.
Insane 1410-Ft Par 3 Must Be Seen to be Believed
Relaxing after fixing work DNS…
Relaxing after fixing work DNS — for real this time.