re-employed 2blog catchup

High IQ Linked To Reduced Risk Of Death

10 really useful free Windows system tools | News | TechRadar UK | 6 Ways how I let Twitter work for me

10 AJAX-based, PHP WebMail Clients For a Great User Experience | Noupe

Aren’t you glad you don’t work in IT?

Index of

Index of /files

Sonoluminescence – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First time on the course and golfer hits a hole-in-one – St. Petersburg Times

Science, Pseudoscience, and Irrationalism

III Forks – Restaurant

Six Flags in Talks to Avoid Filing for Bankruptcy –

Wow, that 2blog folder is full.

Not only that, but my 1 folder is now larger than my screen.  Time to do some cleanup!

Today’s links brought to you in cronological order, and by the letter J.

As promised, 2blog catchup

And this time, I’m just going to drop them in here with no sorting: