embedding video

adding videos to your blog

converting to flv:

ffmpeg -i mov00126.mp4  test.flv 
 || ffmpeg -i mov00126.mp4 -ar 22050 test.flv

No height/width: (default from phone is 176×144)

[flow href=”/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/test.flv”]

width: 440; height: 360

[flow href=”/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/test.flv” width=”440″ height=”360″]

Time to catch up the 2blog folder…

Happy new year!

As usual, things overheard start us off

Geeky links:

Political things:

Parenting and golf go together in my book:

Funny things:

Slow day…

While we’re at it, Dogbert explains the financial crisis.

2 days of catchup blogging

I’m getting quicker at keeping up, eh?

Geeky links:

Funny things:

And Dave Barry’s holiday gift guide is out:

Catchup blogging again…

Been too busy to check on things overheard, so let’s start with geeky links:

Lots of golf links this month:

Political things:

Funny things: