Yet again, ransomware attacks are costing money and lives. Hey, microsoft, tell me about your TCO benefits over linux again?
My thank-you note for the week
Thank you, John Oliver…
…for redefining the term “shuttlecock”.
Yet another reason I love my husband:
The phrase “Wallet Vindaloo” cracks us both up at once.
How to make your geek friends feel old today
Simply tell them that the only Hugo-award winning episode of ST:TNG, The Inner Light, is 24 years old today.
That’s almost exactly half my life.
Grim statistics
The saddest place on earth today, is 15.4 miles away from the allegedly happiest place on earth, if you take I-4.
Sadly, I am certain that there is only ONE proper answer to this in America.
#PulseOrlando, please meet #PinkPistols. #LGBTCCW
We have to defend ourselves. When seconds count, the first responders are minutes away.
Don’t tell me I don’t know how to party on Saturday night.
Have the house all to myself. Start cooking a late dinner of chicken vindaloo.
The sick cat decides this is the perfect time to die.
Let joy be unconfined.
Don’t forget to tip your servers…
(Thanks to reddit…)
Here kitty,kitty, there kitty, kitty…
So, apparently Schrodinger’s Cat has become Schoelkopf’s Cats.
Even more apparent? Physicists are generally dog people.
I sit here, safe and snug with my family as the storms roll in…
…and I wonder how many folks in downtown Austin are wishing they had a choice of Uber or Lyft, but couldn’t vote because they have a DUI on their record.
And as a followup, why did Uber and Lyft let the “Big Corporations writing our laws” meme stand instead of coming back with a “Big corporations fighting about which corporations get to write our laws” meme? Aside from being a cash cow, how is the medallion scheme any less a bribe?
Meh. Probably time to go to sleep.
Normally, Cy is the one who brings new, exciting things into our life.
Today, instead of going to my in-laws for Easter, and instead of Cy getting his required (and all-too-often-interrupted) Sunday afternoon nap, we went to the finals of the Dell Match Play tournament.

For all that I have given Dell over the years (Cy recently reminded me of a trip to the E.R. while I was working there wherein I couldn’t feel my legs…), from being their first webmaster (remember back when that was a thing in 1994?) to all the jobs since where we’ve purchased exclusively Dell (NetSuite being the singular, notable HP exception), to all our personal laptops (still loving my XPS 13 with infinity display!), today was another example of how we get paid back. (Aside from our cars, our house, and our daughter…)
Nicely wined, nicely dined. My fitbit hit it’s daily goal just as we walked in to the Chalet… then hit double that goal as we trudged back uphill!
Thanks to the in-laws for the faux-uber ride from my office (which you can see just over Cy’s left shoulder) to the game and back, but more importantly, thanks to them for the tupperware of homemade Potato Salad that was waiting for me when I got home!
But more than that – if you’ve actually read this entire diatribe, instead of just clicking “Like” on facebook, please let me know you read the article by copying and pasting the next paragraph/sentence as a comment:
J, you idiot – I bet you didn’t stretch before all that walking.
(Yes, I’m a little sore.)
Twas the night before southby…

Twas the night before southby and all through the town
Not a car was stirring, no-one could get around.
Each person alone, and still on their phone
As the mayor said, tomorrow, work from home.
The presidents visit, he said, not his first
Will make tomorrows traffic much closer to worst.
A perfect day for an office party
Math homework, again the best part of my night.
When I pick G up from school, I always ask how her day was. For years, her answer has been “boring.” Recently, however, she’s accidentally messed up and replied “Great!” – especially when we’re bringing a friend home with her. Even more recently, she’s begun being completely honest, even asking for advice on how to deal with problems with friends. (My advice on that has ranged from “Take the high road”, to “I wouldn’t reward bad behavior with what they want”, to “That doesn’t sound like someone I’d bother being friends with anymore.”
I’m sure that sometimes my advice is followed, and sometimes ignored – I’m just glad that she is finding her own way, but still letting me into her life.
But even with all that, I still love when she comes downstairs to get help with math homework. Tonight was more awesome than usual – it was one page, front and back, about 10 problems in total. I help her work through them, but make her do all the thinking – I’m just here to guide and assist.
We get done in about 15 minutes. She flips the paper over, and says, “I thought that would take a lot longer.”
Daddy J for the win.
</drops mic>
That’s what she said.
Last night, we lost a dear friend who brought joy into the life of everyone he met.
For example, from my 30th birthday surprise party:

His daughter and G were the original “Aristocrats” for Wand…

And he was the first recipient of the revenge surprise party…

Wherever Robert went, joy followed. The world is less without him. Fuck cancer.
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