An advance in domestic feline-canine relations, and much fur was shed…

Today, G convinced the dog that he can chase the cats with impunity, hissing and raised fur (and also our sofa cushions) be damned. What followed was 15 minutes of a rousing game of egged-on chase, which abruptly ended when a single claw was raised, followed by the most pitiful “welp” you can image.

It is truly surprising that they don’t all get along better, considering that the dog is a giant pussy.

The dog is asleep upstairs…

so, of course, this is the only chance the kittens have to play downstairs.

Or, as I’m sure Shakespeare would have said:


Man, I can’t wait until the dog and the cats play together. After tonight, I’m going to be rooting for the dog. If Phelix thinks he’s going to sleep peacefully by my leg again, he’s got another think coming. I’m ready to superglue him to the dogs ass…

Bookmarks 20130701

Clearing out the “Other” bookmark folder…

Wow, I’ve been too busy to surf much this past month…

News is gossip for intellectuals?

Fine. I’m going to pause working for a while to keep up with gossip. Between last night’s Texas senate and the SCOTUS rulings today, I’m captivated in politics again.

Specifically, how can anyone put their entire life into this?

G’s first fondant

G's first fondant
G’s first fondant

Our Father’s Day cake (yes, we punctuate it differently from you) is a golf hole, with both a water hazard and a sand trap. She did everything except take it out of the oven all by herself.

Catchup blogging lite

It’s been an insanely busy month; I’ve not bookmarked much this time. Hell, I might even be able to categorize them for you this time around…

G bought a rocket, and with the rains we’ve had recently, we MIGHT be able to use it soon:

And since we’re going to a wedding in Houston next weekend…

I’ve made it through the 4th season, and am giving it a second go…

And to riff on that; “There’s always sysadmin bookmarks in J’s catchup blogging…”

And just a few more things:

Texas parents of students taking STAAR tests, you can track the entire history of their scores here (and I learned G’s science score before it arrived int he mail!):

A game recommented by a new work colleague, probably friend…

And G want to cook up some flan:

Remarkably few bookmarks, now with annotations! Hope you enjoy…

Feeling wistfully ambivalent…

Six years at G’s school, I’ve been in once a week to volunteer. Computer lab, math games, lego robotics league. Sometimes just to help out. It’s always been the highlight of my week.

Next week I’m in for the last time to volunteer, to help at the 5th grade business fair. She has been planning for years what to sell!

Her first day at Riverplace Elementary was the first day of Riverplace Elementary. She has been there for the entire existence of the school.

She sure is ready to move on, however. She can’t wait to be at a school where they serve soft pretzels and cheese, and slurpees every day in the cafeteria, and she can sit with all her friends any day she wants…

In the meantime, I get to feel wistful and ambivalent, remembering the first time I helped with computer lab, way back in 2007…

First computer lab volunteering day
First computer lab volunteering day

Catchup blogging 201305

It’s been a while, but here’s the core dump of things I bookmarked over the past several months. There’s bound to be something in here to grab somebody’s interest; I just don’t have time to comment on everything all the time.

Monopoly epiphany

So, Cy is off teaching other students tonight. G, being her usual responsible self, starts her homework at 6:30 sharp. It gets difficult, there are tears, but we work through it with silliness and laughter. OK, I had to sing and do a booty dance, but whatever it takes.

After the homework is learned and done, we play monopoly. She bought Cy the “Family Guy” version for his birthday with her own money. Cy was gone, but we still played. (Don’t tell her it sharpens her math skills — especially subtraction!)

As we’re playing, she casually states: “So, you and Cy are married.”

I replied “Not legally.”

G: But you’ve been together 28 years?

Me: Yes.

G: And you have a daughter?

Me, laughing: Yes! One we love very much!

G: Oh, you’re married.

That’s when I realized: I don’t care about a Supreme Court Opinion, all that matters is the opinion of the one person who is the focus of my life.

And she knows the commitment we have to her, and to each other. This is immutable to her, as it should be.

Any other vote: whether by 9 justices, or by 25 million Texans, cannot change the love and stability she knows. She doesn’t know nuances of tax law, nor should she care. All she knows is that we are there for her, and there for each other, above all else. This, she accepts without question nor hesitation.

There is only thing I love more than teaching my daughter; learning from my daughter.

And tonight, I have had an epiphany.