Feeling wistfully ambivalent…

Six years at G’s school, I’ve been in once a week to volunteer. Computer lab, math games, lego robotics league. Sometimes just to help out. It’s always been the highlight of my week.

Next week I’m in for the last time to volunteer, to help at the 5th grade business fair. She has been planning for years what to sell!

Her first day at Riverplace Elementary was the first day of Riverplace Elementary. She has been there for the entire existence of the school.

She sure is ready to move on, however. She can’t wait to be at a school where they serve soft pretzels and cheese, and slurpees every day in the cafeteria, and she can sit with all her friends any day she wants…

In the meantime, I get to feel wistful and ambivalent, remembering the first time I helped with computer lab, way back in 2007…

First computer lab volunteering day
First computer lab volunteering day