Wasted synapses Scratched like a stuck record on Old mendacity
This impossible ear
There’s no Fleishman’s this impossible ear
Gotta bake in the morning to avoid a self-sear
Cooling of the cast iron might just take a year
Hope you like fluffy bread more than fizzy beer
(Apologies to Brendon Urie)
First sit-down family homemade meal at the new house
Yet another reason I love my husband:
The phrase “Wallet Vindaloo” cracks us both up at once.
How to make your geek friends feel old today
Simply tell them that the only Hugo-award winning episode of ST:TNG, The Inner Light, is 24 years old today.
That’s almost exactly half my life.
Grim statistics
The saddest place on earth today, is 15.4 miles away from the allegedly happiest place on earth, if you take I-4.
Sadly, I am certain that there is only ONE proper answer to this in America.
#PulseOrlando, please meet #PinkPistols. #LGBTCCW
We have to defend ourselves. When seconds count, the first responders are minutes away.
Don’t tell me I don’t know how to party on Saturday night.
Have the house all to myself. Start cooking a late dinner of chicken vindaloo.
The sick cat decides this is the perfect time to die.
Let joy be unconfined.
Normally, Cy is the one who brings new, exciting things into our life.
Today, instead of going to my in-laws for Easter, and instead of Cy getting his required (and all-too-often-interrupted) Sunday afternoon nap, we went to the finals of the Dell Match Play tournament.

For all that I have given Dell over the years (Cy recently reminded me of a trip to the E.R. while I was working there wherein I couldn’t feel my legs…), from being their first webmaster (remember back when that was a thing in 1994?) to all the jobs since where we’ve purchased exclusively Dell (NetSuite being the singular, notable HP exception), to all our personal laptops (still loving my XPS 13 with infinity display!), today was another example of how we get paid back. (Aside from our cars, our house, and our daughter…)
Nicely wined, nicely dined. My fitbit hit it’s daily goal just as we walked in to the Chalet… then hit double that goal as we trudged back uphill!
Thanks to the in-laws for the faux-uber ride from my office (which you can see just over Cy’s left shoulder) to the game and back, but more importantly, thanks to them for the tupperware of homemade Potato Salad that was waiting for me when I got home!
But more than that – if you’ve actually read this entire diatribe, instead of just clicking “Like” on facebook, please let me know you read the article by copying and pasting the next paragraph/sentence as a comment:
J, you idiot – I bet you didn’t stretch before all that walking.
(Yes, I’m a little sore.)
Math homework, again the best part of my night.
When I pick G up from school, I always ask how her day was. For years, her answer has been “boring.” Recently, however, she’s accidentally messed up and replied “Great!” – especially when we’re bringing a friend home with her. Even more recently, she’s begun being completely honest, even asking for advice on how to deal with problems with friends. (My advice on that has ranged from “Take the high road”, to “I wouldn’t reward bad behavior with what they want”, to “That doesn’t sound like someone I’d bother being friends with anymore.”
I’m sure that sometimes my advice is followed, and sometimes ignored – I’m just glad that she is finding her own way, but still letting me into her life.
But even with all that, I still love when she comes downstairs to get help with math homework. Tonight was more awesome than usual – it was one page, front and back, about 10 problems in total. I help her work through them, but make her do all the thinking – I’m just here to guide and assist.
We get done in about 15 minutes. She flips the paper over, and says, “I thought that would take a lot longer.”
Daddy J for the win.
</drops mic>
Sunday is going to be one of the worst days of my life.
I’ve been friends with a couple of guys for 20 years now (since it’s 2016, officially). They’ve been best friends since long before I met them. Tonight, I got a call from one of them, confirming my worst fear – the other one is now officially in hospice, and is sinking fast, leaving behind a wife and young daughter. The phrase “too soon” is an understatement.
Those of you that have known me for any length of time will probably recall a time when there has been a stripping clown. This guy is the reason. Most of my memories of him involve me laughing to the point where inhaling air HURT. He is responsible for my antitheist preference for “I acknowledge your sneeze without further comment” over “Bless you.”
I have a “trophy shelf” in my office. On it are many mementos, such as the doorbell from my Grandma Tonne’s house (one of my earliest memories). On it also are at LEAST 3 items from when he and I worked together, not the least of which is a “mulimedia etch-a-sketch”. (The two others I can think of without going up there are “Catbert” and “Birdbert”…)
For the first time since he got sick, he wants visitors. For that reason alone, I fear that it will not be long before he is taken from us forever. I asked G to join us for the visit – and she, being the kind soul that she has always been, said, and I quote:
I want to go see him anyway. If you told me you were going I would probably ask to come.
My daughter, ladies and gentlemen. Even as my heart is breaking, it swells with pride. I’m trying to brace myself to be brave, and funny, and touching without being maudlin. In the meantime, I’m going to watch some Marx Brothers films to lamely attempt to cheer myself up.
For all the Dads assembling things this week…
Bookmarks catchup/cleanup
It’s been much, much too long since I’ve cleaned up my bookmarks “other” folder; A simple dump is all that I can bother with at this size.
- New Marshmallow Root for Nexus 5, 5X, 6, 6P, 9 and 7 (2013) is OTA friendly, keeps system intact – The Android Soul
- The best Gmail tips, tricks, and extensions – Business Insider
- 10 reasons you shouldn’t upgrade to Windows 10 | InfoWorld
- Duran Duran premieres new song “Paper Gods” — listen | Consequence of Sound
- The IT Crowd: Dawn O’Porter and Chris O’Dowd star in their own remake
- 6 Treasured Memories From the Stars of Broadway’s 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee – TheaterMania.com
- Photos – Love Wins: Same-Sex Couples Make It Official – 11 of 17 – The Austin Chronicle
- McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: The SCOTUS Marriage Decision, in Haiku.
- Texas Pastor Now Says He Didn’t Mean He’d Really Set Himself Aflame | Advocate.com
- 10 Things Idiots Fear Will Happen Now That Marriage Equality Is Legal | God
- Justice Scalia insult generator: How the Supreme Court justice would mock you.
- They’ll always move further right: Why every defeat only makes Republicans more extreme – Salon.com
- The Outer Light | Written By: Morgan Gendel & Andre Duza | Art By: Don Ellis Aguillo
- The Creator of Linux on the Future Without Him – Bloomberg Business
- 8 things I learned from wearing an Apple Watch for a couple of weeks – The Oatmeal
- Five 13-Year-Old Boys Are Asked Why 1 Kid Is Being Bullied…Watch What The Boy On The End Reveals.
- The flooding may suck, but the rains have put one hell of a dent in the Texas drought.
- Cyanide & Happiness (Explosm.net)
- $19 Gizmo Turns Anything Into a Touchpad | WIRED
- Google Moves Its Corporate Applications to the Internet – WSJ
- Google Now – Google
- Here’s Google’s Secret to Hiring the Best People | WIRED
- Dell XPS 13 2015 (9343 Broadwell) review – I’m keeping it!
- Neil deGrasse Tyson Thinks ‘The Black Hole’ Is The Most Scientifically Inaccurate Movie Ever
- xkcd: Troubleshooting
- DASH Diet Ranked Top Diet For Fifth Straight Year
- Namecoin Block Explorer
- jQuery Mobile Touch Events
- CSS, Styling, & Dimensions | jQuery Learning Center
- Netflix open sources Dynomite to make any datastore distributed — Tech News and Analysis
- 50 jQuery Mobile Development Tips
- Rosetta | rendezvous with a comet
- LSI MegaRAID – megacli – thatlinuxbox.com
- MegaCli Common Commands and Procedures | Physical Security | Cisco Support Community | 5736 | 62901
- After Satanists Plan to Give Away Coloring Books, School Board Considers Banning Religious Distributions Altogether
- netresearch/jsonmapper
- Sorting Algorithm Animations
- ThemeRoller | jQuery Mobile
- How to Find and Remove Duplicate Files on Windows
- Introducing Plex Home – Plex Blog : Plex Blog
- Status
- Virtual Library | Austin Public Library
- Austin Astronomical Society – Home
- Google Fiber
- Esther’s Follies Blog | Magic, Music & Comedy in Austin, Texas
- The Sixth Sense for Multiplication | Math with Bad Drawings
- christmas
- reddit Status
- Easy Read/Write Splitting with PHP’s MySQLnd
- BashGuide/Parameters – Greg’s Wiki
- What colour is it?
- Engagement Rings for Gay Men — Need Advice! : lgbt
- Block Unwanted Traffic, from Linux Based Servers, with our Iptables Blocklists
- wmutils/core · GitHub
- Best Ever Green Bean Casserole Recipe : Alton Brown : Food Network
- Tips To A Great Grilled Green Bean Casserole | Weber.com
- Cream of Mushroom Soup Recipe | SimplyRecipes.com
- Gold Medal® Classic Dinner Rolls recipe from Betty Crocker
- Cracking the Sitcom Code – The Atlantic
- pshs — the awesome file sharing tool | Micha? Górny
- http://uilforms.com/regions/23/tmea/JH%20Band/JH%20Region%20Band%20Scales.pdf
- http://www.asboa.org/ClinicMaterials/JR%20Scales%202012/JRFlute12A.pdf
- Two arrested in death of Austin choir director | KXAN.com
- AWS Tips I Wish I’d Known Before I Started – W(e)blinks
- Apache: No space left on device: Couldn’t create accept lock – major.io
- can you get a ticket in texas for having an out of date inspection sticker, if there is no other violation? : Austin
- The Cleveland Superbomb, January 1978 – Top 10 Big, Bad Blizzards – TIME
- Basic Pot Roast Recipe | Epicurious.com
- Joyously Domestic: Slow Cooker “Melt in Your Mouth” Pot Roast
- Beer-Braised Pot Roast Recipe | MyRecipes.com
- Beer-Braised Pot Roast Recipe – Grace Parisi | Food & Wine
- rudiger only kind of loves the snow – YouTube
- Nick Urbanik — Free Software Written by Me
- cv: progress bar for cp, mv, rm, dd… | TuxDiary
- The time capsule
- Texas Hold’em Odds Visualization
- Which is the best free slider for wordpress to show recently added posts? : WordPress
- 10 Most Popular Free WordPress Slider Plugins – WPMU DEV
- Snyder, Singletary – Outlook Web App
- LANSurveyor – Network Topology Mapper | Solarwinds
- What are you guys using instead of Microsoft Visio? : linux
- Authenticating other services against AD – SambaWiki
- Apache Active Directory Group Authentication | JamesCoyle.net
- Retrieve hard drive’s age and general health information using Linux
- Reveal the Magic Eye by 3Dimka on DeviantArt
- Technology
- How To Use Vim for Advanced Editing of Plain Text or Code on a VPS | DigitalOcean
- MWE Lab – Products – Emperor 200 – Overview
- What are some suggestions for new cards for Cards against Humanity? – Quora
- CAH Custom Card Generator
- Bigger, Blacker Cards
- Create Your Own Cards Against Humanity | The Tech Savvy Educator
- Expand Your Cards – Unofficial Cards Against Humanity Cards
- Enabling and Disabling Network Adapters with PowerShell – Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs
- louwrentius/showtools · GitHub
- glusterfs/admin_settingup_clients.md at master · gluster/glusterfs · GitHub
- Find a movie to watch
- tips and tricks – Hidden features of Perl? – Stack Overflow
- Convert pfb to ttf | Everything Fonts
- Link your phone to Google – Search Help
- Custom Stylesheet in WordPress with Advanced Custom Fields and the ACF Options Add-On
- How to Fall Asleep in Under a Minute | TIME
- Why I Gave Up a $95,000 Job to Move to an Island and Scoop Ice Cream
- Movies : Free Movies : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
- How to Fold a Napkin Into an Elegant Penis in 8 Steps – CollegeHumor Post
- Cuban-Style Bread Recipe : Bobby Flay : Food Network
- Easy Cuban Bread recipe | How to Make Traditional Pan Cubano
- Autonomous Technology (a9t9): Free Open-Source OCR Software for Windows and the Web
- Lake Travis Water Level
- A Tmux crash course: tips and tweaks.
- Download Playback
- Home | Safercar — National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
- ATXfloods
- 10 Brilliant Rube Goldberg Machines | Cool Material
- Preventing SQL Injection in PHP Applications – the Easy and Definitive Guide – Paragon Initiative Enterprises Blog
- Ansible, Chef and Puppet? : sysadmin
- Comparison of open-source configuration management software – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Visualized: How the insane amount of rain in Texas could turn Rhode Island into a lake – The Washington Post
- Copy files to remote servers with root authority using cat, sudo, and SSH (Brian Smith’s AIX / UNIX / Linux / Open Source blog)
- Beautiful Weather Graphs and Maps – WeatherSpark
- Texas Recycles TVs Program
- LampTracker® – Waste Management™
- Goodbye, Sourceforge!
- Command line interface for WordPress | WP-CLI
- A Simple Performance Comparison of HTTPS, SPDY and HTTP/2 | HttpWatch BlogHttpWatch Blog
- Why is Funny? — Medium
- High Performance Browser Networking
- HTTP/2 is here, let’s optimize! – Velocity SC 2015 – Google Slides
- Stalking John Barrowman: the Musical »
- jwz: Monkey Butter
- Setup and configure MySQL backup using Holland and Xtrabackup | ..::CHANGE is INEVITABLE::..
- DNS server with an API? : sysadmin
- SunCalc – sun position, sunlight phases, sunrise, sunset, dusk and dawn times calculator
- I can hit my SW 110 yards. : golf
- Cygwin
- Westover Hills Weather | Personal Weather Station: KTXAUSTI129 by Wunderground.com | Weather Underground
- Ursula K. Le Guin’s Rules to Break and Rules to Follow : writing
- Everything You Need to Know About Preventing Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities in PHP – Paragon Initiative Enterprises Blog
- letter s treble clef – Google Search
- 08) Star Trek 30th Aniversary Special Orchestral Suite from The Inner Light – YouTube
- NASA Explains Why June 30 Will Get Extra Second | NASA
- Words With Friends – Words With Friends Cheat
- vuther/coptop · GitHub
- static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//pubs/archive/43438.pdf
- The Chauffeur – spoken words at end… – Duran Duran – Lizard King’s Duran Duran Site
- Nothing to chauffeur a classiomatic | Sesquiotica
- Link your phone to Google – Search Help
- 2015-2016 Republican Debate Drinking Games | DebateDrinking.com
- A list of Block Explorers, more than 10 alternatives of blockchain.info : Bitcoin
- Bitcoin, Litecoin, Namecoin, Dogecoin, Peercoin, Quarkcoin, Worldcoin stats
- What I learned migrating a customer MySQL installation to Amazon RDS
- Referral Spammers, no more! | Hitsteps
- Tips and Tricks on Optimizing Amazon Web Services
- A Chrome extension that re-authenticates AWS SAML credentials when they expire : aws
- Pixar’s 22 rules to phenomenal storytelling – Album on Imgur
- reddit shell: web based linux shell emulator for browsing reddit via command line
- How to keep a secret
- AWS in Plain English
- SMS Server Tools 3
- Paris Review – The Art of Theater No. 17, Wallace Shawn
- tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect · GitHub
- MySQL at Wikipedia: How we do relational data at the Wikimedia Foundation | Percona Live Europe – Amsterdam 2015
- Get Started | Public DNS | Google Developers
- jynus/query-optimization · GitHub
- Austin Musical Show Listings (Austin)
- BWW Review: STALKING JOHN BARROWMAN Plagued By Technical Problems
- Admiral “Amazing Grace” Hopper, pioneering computer programmer – Amazing Women In History
- The Persistence of Memory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- nvbn/thefuck · GitHub
- Lynch on Mulholland Dr. – From the Current – The Criterion Collection
- EXPERIMENT: Root without modifying /system – Post #2 – XDA Forums
- Huawei Nexus 6P
- History of screenwriting: a master book of plots.
- How to Get Colored Window Title Bars on Windows 10 (Instead of White)
- Battery report
- How to block network traffic by country on Linux – Xmodulo
- Windows 10 Worst Feature Installed On Windows 7 And Windows 8 – Forbes
- The Hottest Restaurants in Austin Right Now, August 2015 – Eater Austin
- Shark attack at Mustang Island, near Port Aransas in Texas, United States of America
- No April Fools: The top 10 IT fiascos of all time | ZDNet
- Gary Dahl, Inventor of the Pet Rock, Dies at 78 – NYTimes.com
I wish my daughter was having some fun growing up…
We whiled away a delightful and filling evening with Didi and Torsten, gorging ourselves on a delicious steak dinner and earlier munchies. Then, to top things off, G and her friend decided they wanted to bake some dessert while the menfolk sat on their asses and watched UT decimate Kansas.
Those of you who have watched “The IT Crowd” will understand that I’m telling you that what is on G’s face is chocolate.
And, as always, I remain convinced that the best sound in the world is my daughter’s laughter.
An economic technicality…
Technically, I never could boycott chick-fil-a, because I never ate there.
Similarly, I cannot support Doritos rainbow Doritos, because I don’t eat them anyway.
It’s probably too much to simply acknowledge that most sushi joints already have a “rainbow roll”…
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