is helping G with homework. She came down for help with math early today, and we got that out of the way easily. She easily learned where the parenthesis belong with cross-products. Then, she wanted help with a short story. I gave her a few paragraphs and a funny ending.
She re-wrote everything, and returned with a heart-wrenching tale that will not leave my memory for a long time.
And what really gets me, is that that was her teacher wanted. All I did was to give a spark — which was discarded. She kept the theme (which I kept asking her to select out of 4 options) but went completely her own way.
I couldn’t be happier to be heart-broken. And just so you know, my ending was to have one girl shoot a retallitory spitball into her little brother’s mouth just as he was going to sleep, and to get a high-five from her mom who was walking by at the time. G managed to top that ending.
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