G finally woke up. Obviously, 8 years old is time for the transition… Webkinz being logged in now. #fb
is really, really looking forw…
is really, really looking forward to Monday night… #fb
Is this… satire? [pic] http:…
Is this… satire? [pic] http://ff.im/-dgcu3
Robert, is that you? <http:…
Robert, is that you? <http://twitter.com/loadedsanta> #fb
Was feeling concerned for that…
Was feeling concerned for that guy who fell into the grinding machine. Don’t worry, he’s fine now… #fb
http://twitpic.com/uea2w cul-d…
http://twitpic.com/uea2w cul-de-sac hockey
How does it change many dyslex…
How does it change many dyslexics to take a lightbulb? #fb
@bbum If you use white and bla…
@bbum If you use white and black duct tape for wrapping gifts, you not only keep your geek cred, but also 15 minutes of fame on “Queer Eye”.
Is the bow on the car grill a …
Is the bow on the car grill a trophy of a wreath kill? #fb
A Pictorial Guide to avoiding …
A Pictorial Guide to avoiding Camera Loss [PICS] http://ff.im/-d6aNQ
Interesting drive in today; fo…
Interesting drive in today; fog, no fog, fog, no fog, fog, no fog. #fb
G is in a foul mood today. Not…
G is in a foul mood today. Nothing 3 weeks off can’t cure. #fb
OS fanboy chart <http://www…
OS fanboy chart <http://www.joeydevilla.com/2009/12/16/how-fanboys-see-operating-systems/> #fb
Good backups ROCK! #fb
Good backups ROCK! #fb
seriously hopes that kids nigh…
seriously hopes that kids night running yields bedtime exhaustion.