What’s your mild superpower? <http://tinyurl.com/yfmuhef> Favorite:I can resolve quantum uncertainties just by observing them. #fb
The Nadir, as a gay father, kn…
The Nadir, as a gay father, knows precisely the best way to celebrate Oral’s death. Ressurect oral, 25 years or not!
Saw many officers waiting up a…
Saw many officers waiting up and down Ben White, 360, and 2222. Early bird stuck to the speed limit, and suggests you do the same. #fb
just figured out why he couldn…
just figured out why he couldn’t sleep — the back door had blown open. House is 50 degrees. Grrrr. Must…love…family… #fb
hates RPMs, as any self-respec…
hates RPMs, as any self-respecting linux geek should.
is surrounded by illusers. No…
is surrounded by illusers. No hipsters, at least…
Ooo. Dexter is going to get m…
Ooo. Dexter is going to get much, much darker. I wasn’t sure that was possible, but I was wrong…
Touched seventy for a few mome…
Touched seventy for a few moments. I like TX. #fb
reason # 8,949,263,551 why I d…
reason # 8,949,263,551 why I don’t miss living up north: <http://i.imgur.com/Y3HU2.jpg> #fb
In a world… #fb http://xkcd….
In a world… #fb http://xkcd.com/673/
G got bored with mindflex, wan…
G got bored with mindflex, wanted to change it to buttflex. Me: “Ew – where do the ear clips go then?” G: “It’s complicated.” Nadir Jr. #fb
They say… http://ff.im/-cJP7…
They say… http://ff.im/-cJP74
Is there anything better than …
Is there anything better than coming home to a giggly G doing some super-lame hiding with Daddy Cy? (Hint: No.) #fb
G swears that the lights heade…
G swears that the lights headed toward the airport were Santa leaving the club. The red light was the giveaway.
@bbum istr you mostly went in …
@bbum istr you mostly went in them at night. Mostly.