2 days of catchup blogging

I’m getting quicker at keeping up, eh?

Geeky links:

Funny things:

And Dave Barry’s holiday gift guide is out:

Catchup blogging again…

Been too busy to check on things overheard, so let’s start with geeky links:

Lots of golf links this month:

Political things:

Funny things:

What I’ve been up to lately

So, since the layoff, I’ve been

  • cleaning the house (caught up on laundry, re-organized the kitchen)
  • job hunting (still wake up and take G to school every day)
  • setting up IPMI remote console access (for both my colo box at IPMI 2.0 and my file server at IPMI 1.5)
  • re-organized the photo gallery (decades for older stuff, yearly for more recent)
  • fixed almost all gallery issues (certificates for SSL stuff, database cleanup)
  • watching the economy continue to tank

Oh, and watching lots more discovery channel with G (mostly storm chasers and dirty jobs), and the 3rd season of Dexter (better than the second season).

I have also re-confirmed that I truly detest daytime television, so it usually stays off.

Much delayed catchup blogging…

As usual, starting with things overheard:

Many, many geeky links to catch up on:

Family/golf things:

Political links (yes, overdue):

Purely entertaining:

A corny neologism…

So, I’m watching Grace at recess before computer lab, and the trees are dropping acorns.  I was about to point out to her that the acorns are baby trees, but that’s not entirely accurate.  The are more tree fetuses.  Treetuses, if you will.

And, the kids over there stomping on acorns?  They are performing acortions.

Work has been busy, lots of 2blog folder catching up to do…

As usual, starting with things overheard:

Plenty of geeky things (lots of these also fit into other categories):

Parenting things:

Golf things:


Just funny:

And one film link:

Catching up more often…

Fewer overheard links (I’ve been busy!):

Lots of geeky things, however:

Political things:

A few things about being gay and parenting:

And some just about being Grace’s daddy:

And some generally funny or interesting things:

Time to make the 2blog folder catchup post…

As usual, starting with all things overheard:

For geeky things, I’m going to start off with some privacy links (to opt-out of tracking for advertising cookies):

And the rest of the geek links:

Political things:

Some parenting links:

Some things just for Cy:

And just plain interesting:

catchup blogging, again

Things overheard:

Geeky links:

Political things:

Interesting/funny/parenting and golf things:

That last one makes my first idea for Grace’s name (Entropy) seem positively mundane.  Right?

Time for catchup blogging!

As is my custom, we begin with things overheard:

And since we’ve been travelling waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much, here are some beach sites:

Geeky things:

Political things:

Funny things:

And finally, parenting: