An advance in domestic feline-canine relations, and much fur was shed…

Today, G convinced the dog that he can chase the cats with impunity, hissing and raised fur (and also our sofa cushions) be damned. What followed was 15 minutes of a rousing game of egged-on chase, which abruptly ended when a single claw was raised, followed by the most pitiful “welp” you can image.

It is truly surprising that they don’t all get along better, considering that the dog is a giant pussy.

I’m pleasantly surprised at how well some films hold up to the test of time…

Today, it’s Hannah and her Sisters. Specifically:

Gail: Two months ago, you thought you had a malignant melanoma.

Mickey: Naturally, I, I- Do you know I- The sudden appearance of a black spot on my back!

Gail: It was on your shirt!

Mickey: I- How was I to know? Everyone was pointing back here.


Frederick: You missed a very dull TV show on Auschwitz. More gruesome film clips, and more puzzled intellectuals declaring their mystification over the systematic murder of millions. The reason they can never answer the question “How could it possibly happen?” is that it’s the wrong question. Given what people are, the question is “Why doesn’t it happen more often?”

Almost makes being awakened at 3am by texts from work worth it…

The dog is asleep upstairs…

so, of course, this is the only chance the kittens have to play downstairs.

Or, as I’m sure Shakespeare would have said:


Man, I can’t wait until the dog and the cats play together. After tonight, I’m going to be rooting for the dog. If Phelix thinks he’s going to sleep peacefully by my leg again, he’s got another think coming. I’m ready to superglue him to the dogs ass…

Bookmarks 20130701

Clearing out the “Other” bookmark folder…

Wow, I’ve been too busy to surf much this past month…

News is gossip for intellectuals?

Fine. I’m going to pause working for a while to keep up with gossip. Between last night’s Texas senate and the SCOTUS rulings today, I’m captivated in politics again.

Specifically, how can anyone put their entire life into this?

When I die, I suspect that…

this blog will be considered a “hidden treasure trove” of topical humor. If you’re reading this, that means you’re probably ignoring genius. Or tripe.