Our Father’s Day cake (yes, we punctuate it differently from you) is a golf hole, with both a water hazard and a sand trap. She did everything except take it out of the oven all by herself.
grep my life
Timelapse of Austin’s growth over the past 30(-ish) years: farm3.staticflickr.com/2830/903604855…
OK, I guess it’s time to see if I can get back to sleep now. It’s just so nice getting su much done when it’s quiet.
Nice try, Portland. 4walls4all.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/keep-p…
For the first time in years, I spent over twelve hours with my laptop turned off. I should be dodging lightning bolts. Phone GPS nav, yes.
This Salvation Army spokesman doesn’t like me at all. examiner.com/article/salvat…
Somewhat less contentious than over/under the roll, but… businessinsider.com/22-maps-that-s…
It’s been an insanely busy month; I’ve not bookmarked much this time. Hell, I might even be able to categorize them for you this time around…
G bought a rocket, and with the rains we’ve had recently, we MIGHT be able to use it soon:
And since we’re going to a wedding in Houston next weekend…
I’ve made it through the 4th season, and am giving it a second go…
And to riff on that; “There’s always sysadmin bookmarks in J’s catchup blogging…”
And just a few more things:
Texas parents of students taking STAAR tests, you can track the entire history of their scores here (and I learned G’s science score before it arrived int he mail!):
A game recommented by a new work colleague, probably friend…
And G want to cook up some flan:
Remarkably few bookmarks, now with annotations! Hope you enjoy…
Last volunteering at rpe. http://t.co/YbGtDriWxD
Lanyard-ectomy setup. http://t.co/vItesXQKHO
Tonight, due to injury, the part of the supportive daddy will be played by Daddy Cy.J will snarkily call the fair tomorrow a lanyard-ectomy.
I just sprained my wrist while taking a pee.
Gearing up for the business fair at G’s school. Which option is the least obnoxious: lanyard-tastic, lanyard-licious, or lanyard-tacular?
G can keep up with the household standard banter. I say this with an equal mixture of pride and terror.
Six years at G’s school, I’ve been in once a week to volunteer. Computer lab, math games, lego robotics league. Sometimes just to help out. It’s always been the highlight of my week.
Next week I’m in for the last time to volunteer, to help at the 5th grade business fair. She has been planning for years what to sell!
Her first day at Riverplace Elementary was the first day of Riverplace Elementary. She has been there for the entire existence of the school.
She sure is ready to move on, however. She can’t wait to be at a school where they serve soft pretzels and cheese, and slurpees every day in the cafeteria, and she can sit with all her friends any day she wants…
In the meantime, I get to feel wistful and ambivalent, remembering the first time I helped with computer lab, way back in 2007…
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