I live and love my most boring, normal life. Ironically, in the minds of many, that is the most perverse, twisted thing I can do. Enjoy!
Right wingers:It’s depressingl…
Right wingers:It’s depressingly reflective (then suddenly uplifting) that you express your opinion more by buying fast food than by voting.
“I changed my mind about gay m…
“I changed my mind about gay marriage when I saw that kiss-in at CFA,” said nobody, never.
Let’s see how long this lasts: monthy catchup blogging…
Hardly anyone will be interested in any of this, I suspect, but these posts allow me to sync fewer bookmarks.
Continue reading “Let’s see how long this lasts: monthy catchup blogging…”
You’re not feeling old enough yet…
Galaxy Quest is further away from today than it was from Die Hard. Just my variant of the contribution that xkcd gave us..
Putnam County? Not a spelling bee, and oddly enough, not in Texas…
Son of Beast to be Demolished
At least the Rattler lasted until it was due to be replaced… (OK, so that hasn’t happened yet…)
I’ve seen lots of hashtags about Mitt, but not #UpperClassMittOfTheYear
Why not? It’s the best of London and the current batch of politics!
How many of you remembered tha…
How many of you remembered that today is sysadmin day? Hmm? http://t.co/W4oKSBtq
Sad to hear about Sally Ride. …
Sad to hear about Sally Ride. My heart goes out to Tam. She and Sally had been together about as long as Cy and I. Women+science=good!
A nuanced question about the NCAA sanctions…
Does anyone else find a disturbing similarity between the problems that led to the sanctions (in many ways, keeping their fingers in their ears and saying “This didn’t happen!”) and the NCAA saying “Those 14 years of wins didn’t happen.”?
That being said, I am torn between the NCAA sanctions punishing folks who are not guilty, and feeling that they do nothing to punish anyone except the “institution” less than it deserves.
And here I go, with my first post about sports that doesn’t involve golf clubs.
Catchup bookmark blog 201207
Gah. Finally, a mime “speaks”….
Gah. Finally, a mime “speaks”. http://t.co/j3jN4EKX
How lucky am I? My 10-year-old…
How lucky am I? My 10-year-old will fight me on minutia, but listen to me for the important stuff. Daddy J FTW, eating veggies tonight!
My daughter just IM’d to me “S…
My daughter just IM’d to me “Sometimes I wonder about you” and I refrained from replying “sometimes?” As a parent, I’m growing…