It is summer in Texas. It is under 70 degrees, and I’m not in bed yet. It’s not even midnight…
OK, so I like the rain. That P…
OK, so I like the rain. That PARTICULAR clap of instantaneous lightning and thunder was just a little too close for my taste.
I’m so lame. Every night I spe…
I’m so lame. Every night I spend with my daughter raises my hopes for humanity, despite the dopes running for office.
Heh. Romneypresent, defined. …
Heh. Romneypresent, defined.
End of an era, minitel (precur…
End of an era, minitel (precursor to the internet) just shut down in France.
Down to 81 degrees this mornin…
Down to 81 degrees this morning? Better put on a sweater…
If I had a nickel for every wa…
If I had a nickel for every way in which I am sore, I wouldn’t be able to move.
Ahhh! And yes, G has done the …
Ahhh! And yes, G has done the slide many times already…
How am I to do any editing wit…
How am I to do any editing with such cute and playful kittens about?
G’s last (half) day of 4th gra…
G’s last (half) day of 4th grade, with water balloons & super soaker. Would say “no super soakers when I was…” but didn’t go full fogey.
Happy whatjamacallit day!
Happy whatjamacallit day!
My life would be so much bette…
My life would be so much better if I had full control of Grover Norquist’s shock collar.
It’s a good day when your urologist is mentioned on the radio, right?
NPR: 05-05-2012 Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!.
(Yes, because of the kidney stones.)
G is hilarious. If you don’t g…
G is hilarious. If you don’t get to hang out with her often, you are really missing out.
For some unknown reason, a nic…
For some unknown reason, a nice afternoon at the pool has suddenly turned into a cross between Children of the Corn and Lord of the Flies.