Nice video – the lightning is fascinating! What does it feel like to fly over planet Earth?
Happy bday, Big G!
Happy bday, Big G!
Nobody ever gives their kids the middle name "The" anymore…
Nobody ever gives their kids the middle name “The” anymore…
Kids night twister!
Kids night twister!
Potions after twister!
Potions after twister!
That was a fun robotics club!
That was a fun robotics club!
We’re going to see a fantastic score for the teamwork 30%, and I’m eager to see what the “Gummi Dragons” will do for their presentation…
The word `politics’ is derived from the word `poly,’ meaning `many,’ and th
The word `politics’ is derived from the word `poly,’ meaning `many,’ and the word `ticks,’ meaning `blood sucking parasites.’ – Dave Barry
Happy Programmers’ Day!
Happy Programmers’ Day! I’m celebrating by having my first solo coaching for robbotics club! (Our team is “Gummi Dragon”) Programmers’ Day – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That was a fun robotics club!
That was a fun robotics club!
Does it smell like a dictatorship in here?
Does it smell like a dictatorship in here? Oh, that’s just my pol-pot-pourri…
What a fantastic day!
What a fantastic day! I am so lucky to have a great family, great friends in a great neighborhood. The world is what we make it, folks. That’s the only lesson you need today.
Brad and Brittneys wedding
Brad and Brittneys wedding
Link Google+ to your blog, then to twitter/facebook…
Link Google+ to your blog, then to twitter/facebook…
So, I linked to a post back in mid-July about how to tie Google+ to twitter.
Sadly, at the beginning of this month, (upon which this all depended) shut down due to massively increasing costs. Fortunately, Russell Beattie released his code under the MIT license, so I was able to hack together my own personal version of this over the course of a week or so of learning python.
And this I share with all of you now. Experienced python programmers might prefer the verb "inflict" as opposed to "share", and will only want to view how badly i mangled the original code through a pinhole in a piece of cardboard.
In order to use this script, you will need a web server (of the 24×7 variety) that can run python scripts as CGI, and has pycurl installed.
So now, for me at least, my posts take this path:
Post goes on Google+.
The "WPeMatico" plugin <> on my self-hosted wordpress blog grabs the post via the atom feed provided by this script.
The "Twitter Tools" plugin <> on my blog makes the post to twitter.
Facebook pulls the blog entry into my stream.
Now, all I need is a version of this for diaspora…
alphageekj/plusfeedforone – GitHub
Its very dear to me, the issue of gay marriage.
Its very dear to me, the issue of gay marriage. Or as I like to call it: Marriage. You know, because I had lunch this afternoon, not gay lunch. I parked my car; I didnt gay park it. – Liz Feldman That may be true, but any brunch is a gay brunch. – me
Sadly, Michael Hart – founder of project gutenberg, inventor of the ebook,
Sadly, Michael Hart – founder of project gutenberg, inventor of the ebook, has died.