2blog folder is not full, but here goes anyway…


Digg – This Is Why I Hate CNN (Pic)

Digg – No, f*** you, reader of CNN

Geeky things:

Vlc: Master Your Digital Media with VLC

Optimize Ubuntu 8.04 for Speed – Speed up Hardy Heron! – Softpedia

Gallery2:How To Write Scripts – Gallery Codex

Debian – you can never be sure

Ten tips for securing Linux desktops – at ZDNet.co.uk

Hands on: 12 quick hacks for Firefox 3 – LinuxWorld

The Urge to End It – Understanding Suicide – NYTimes.com

How to “Peel” Hard-Boiled Eggs Without Peeling – The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss

Parenting things:

Why Most Sunscreens Don’t Work | Newsweek To Your Health | Newsweek.com


Funny things:

The 5 Most Unintentionally Scarring ’80s Music Videos | Cracked.com

Pranks: Just Say ‘Yes’ To Telemarketers

Abstruse Goose » At the Driving Range

Local News: Man found in WI basement covered in BBQ sauce | sauce, basement, covered : WWMT NEWSCHANNEL 3 (What makes this funny is that I’ve been in Appleton)

Time to empty the 2blog folder

For those who care, I have really, *really* short names for my bookmarks toolbar folders — for instance, my leftmost folder, which contains links that I visit daily, is labelled simply ‘1’.  I use foxmarks to keep my bookmarks synchronized between all my browsers, and I use the “Add Bookmark Here2” plugin to just add pages to that 2blog folder when I come across a page I want to share later.

Then, once it gets overwhelmingly large, I just copy the links from that folder to a post.

As usual I start with things overheard:

Geeky things:

Political things:

Just generally interesting:

Catching up again…

It has been busy — as I’m sure you can tell from the photoblog. Man, oh man is that 2blog folder full!

Starting with all things overheard:

(I told you it has been a while!)

And, in honor of the official end of the Democratic primary season, all things political come next:

There are a slew of geeky links:

It’s summertime here in Austin:

I’m not such a bad dad, after all…



Catchup blogging…

Here comes the core dump from the 2blog folder, in no particular order:

Time to go with catchup blogging…

Nothing overheard this week — I’ve been busy, so let’s start with geeky things:

Political links:


And just a few personal items:

Well, now that I can post more quickly…

The primary result is that I bookmark more things!

Just to go back to my regular method; here are things overheard that I liked:

Not to get too fanboy-like, but jwz has had a fantastic week of blogging:

Other funny things:

And since I’m not quite done with the new server, some more geeky things:

Oh, and happy April fools day. Grace was the big prankster this year. Acorn, tree. Not far.

Catch blogging, expect more frequent updates now that the server is faster!

In honor of the new server, we’ll start out with geeky links first:

Geeky or funny — you make the call:

Now, just funny stuff:

Golf stuff (I want, but not that badly)


Long time coming…

they.com is now running on new hardware!

There was a happy congruence of tax refund check and Dell having a sale of 45% off servers, so the 8+ year old system (a sun netra t1 with a 900MHz ultrasparc IIi, 1G RAM and an external 30G drive) has been replaced (by a poweredge 2750, with 2 2GHz AMD processors, 8G RAM, and 6 160G drives with hardware RAID). After running for 7 hours, the new system has yet to swap memory to disk!

They have also made the switch from Debian GNU/Linux to Gentoo.

There will still be a few things to work out — for example, they have not decided whether or not to re-export the /docs/ directory (which they don’t think they will do again), and some wordpress upgrading differences have yet to be fully resolved.

For now, though, they are just glad to have made the switch, because they can now re-enable spam filtering on the server, and now have virtual mail delivery (so that there are fewer hackable login accounts).

Oh, and since it doesn’t take over a minute to make a post on wordpress anymore, you can expect more frequent posting!

Here is the new server last weekend, while they copied over the gallery images to save bandwidth:


Catchup blogging is the latest rage

Few overhead things this time:

Some other funny things:

Speaking of movies:

Geeky things:

Since golf is big in my life again:

Since we took Grace to Longhorn Cavern State Park during spring break and bought two fossils:

Political and secular things: