Really? REALLY? What the #%!? is wrong with people?


As a gay man…

You know, don’t serve me pizza, fine, I’ll eat elsewhere. I don’t want your hate-filled cake at my wedding. I can get my car fixed anywhere else without having to show a CHL. I can buy flowers anywhere else that will be assembled caringly, not with resentment.

But if you as a pediatrician can’t be a good doctor to ANY child for ANY reason, you should just retire. This makes pharmacists that won’t give out plan B look almost human.

The phrase “first, do no harm” should also apply to this “pediatrician’s” reputation.

What’s wrong with this picture?

<> (No, really. Go read the whole thing and come back here…)

Why are there only 2 women in this picture? Exactly how many were married today?

I also like to think that the flavor chosen was “Pyrrhic Velvet”, but that might be a touch snarky. It is doubtful that anyone was wiping frosting off their nose a few moments later, and even more doubtful that anyone stepped on a glass wrapped in a cloth a few moments later, right?

I was particularly interested by this quote:

Supporters of the marriage ammendment say traditional family structures with one man and one woman are essential for healthy children, while opponents say the Fourteenth Ammendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits discrimination based on other people’s opinions.

I dare guess that our daughter is perfectly healthy – probably healthier than theirs, since we’re insisting on the HPV vaccine and sex education that includes knowledge of contraception…

Hey! How did this soapbox get under me?

How dare middle-school homework be fun?

So, G had homework about a Robert Frost poem and its use in a story she was reading. I got to re-introduce her to Dorothy Parker, and earn her respect for my writing, and expand her vocabulary. Then, after all that, she pulled out her telescope and aimed it at the moon so that we could see crater shadows along the lunar terminator (where the shadows meet light). Along the way, she made me laugh out loud more than twice, and called me out insulting Cy once (and we won’t talk about that on social media…)

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, and I’ll always mean it: each part of her life is fun in its own way. I miss her being immobile and unable to talk, but love the push for independence that we now see everyday. For example: we weren’t asked about her trying out for the basketball team, we were informed about it.

Every day gets better. Only one month until she’s a teemager! (and you hush your mouth, you!)

Do I have a horrible neologism for you…

Techster. Think “techie-hipster”. Exhibit A:


Using a cell phone, while wearing google glass, while riding a segway, while at SxSW. I believe this deserves another neologism: the quadfecta.

(Source: reddit)

Still, this isn’t worse than the hot-pink sequined suit jacket that made G crack up when we first got off the train downtown…

Bookmark catchup

So every month or so, I try to dump all the bookmarks I made, especially for things I didn’t have time to comment on at the moment of discovery…

If you hate gay marriage, have I got bad news for you….

So, not only are Cy and I getting married, BUT you’re losing the USA in a big, BIG way.

For those of you who really think that Natalie Grant was being “brave” for walking out on the Grammy’s (heh, I initially mis-typed that is “Granny’s”), may I suggest a few other places you might feel more welcome?

First of all, go enjoy the Olympic games at Sochi. According to their Mayor, no fags there! So: descend, my straight AND narrow hordes! Descend upon Sochi! (Go ahead — show them that there are closeted Bi folks!)

Then — oooo! — Saudi Arabia! No fags (but plenty of post-op-transexuals — women, in the eyes of the Wahabist!) You know what else you’ll love about the Saudis? No women drivers! (OK, OK, no PRE-OP women drivers!)

But honestly, if you’re a true — and I do mean TRUE — libertarian? There’s no place better than Somalia! Taxes? NONE! Goernment regulation? NONE! Personal freedom? Whatever you can defend with your own night! Now THAT’S the true Ayn Randian experience! (Holy crap, I sound like a travelogue!)

Finally, Uganda: you and your friends worked SO hard to be allowed to kill me there (should I ever be SO stupid as to go!) howsabout you go there for me instead?