Happy new everything…

You know, as much attention as the recreational pot in Colorado story is getting, you would think it was mandatory, and that by this time tomorrow, the only other surviving industry in the state will be pizza delivery.

It’s been much too long since I’ve cleaned out my bookmarks folder: here is the result:

A PDF printing neologism

Wand re-orchestration is complete. The conductor score PDF is designed to be printed on legal-sized paper, but  auto-resizes as needed.  It was going to legal paper, but the tray was marked as letter. Or, as I now call it, barely legal.

Just heard the most delightful line:

You can’t fix stupid, but you can bill for it.

Obviously, the context is IT consulting, not politics. But now that I think about it… How much did Cruz make, and how much did it cost America?

So, the key question is this:

Is “Dexter” being put out of my misery? Or am I being put out of “Dexter’s” misery?

There is a reason why for the past (n) weeks I’ve watched Dexter before “Breaking Bad”.

That reason? So that I would NOT waste energy screaming at the TV about how awful Dexter had become.

The ONLY saving grace in my life is eleven years old. Scott Buck, as a viewer of the show for 7 seasons, I deserve to watch some pain, some contrition. Instead, all I’ve seen has been safe, stable continuation of unbelievable premises. For shame!

At least Water White is going to stand up for what he is, and what he’s done. He’s a horrible human, but he is going to fight for his right to be human….

Not some lame caricature that resurrects himself with no connection to his past. Shame on you, Scott Buck. Had you cut that last lumberjack-off minute, you would have had a decent show. Shame on you.

And, yes. I expect the phrase “lumber-jackoff” to stick, and to apply to you for the rest of your career. You’re welcome.

It’s an axiomatic epiphany…

… But I know too many friends who are currently suffering. Sure, suffering is the human condition, but there should be reasonable limits, right?

Also, “Axiomatic Epiphany” would be a great name for a band.

Bookmarks 20130701

Clearing out the “Other” bookmark folder…

Wow, I’ve been too busy to surf much this past month…

News is gossip for intellectuals?

Fine. I’m going to pause working for a while to keep up with gossip. Between last night’s Texas senate and the SCOTUS rulings today, I’m captivated in politics again.

Specifically, how can anyone put their entire life into this?

Catchup blogging 201305

It’s been a while, but here’s the core dump of things I bookmarked over the past several months. There’s bound to be something in here to grab somebody’s interest; I just don’t have time to comment on everything all the time.